Today was the first time Brenna took a bath without the little baby bath tub thingy. She LOVED it! She just kept splashing as hard as she could! Kaylee seemed to enjoy it too. She even helped to wash Brenna. "So fresh and so clean!"
Here's a little update: I'm a college drop-out. Yes, I dropped my classes. I've never done that before, I was a little bummed, but glad because I made the right decision. Things just didn't feel right, you know? My girls need me to be HOME when I'm home. Not studying. I think now that we have 2 kids it's best that only 1 of us goes to school at a time. So someday I will go back, when Nate is done, but now is not that time.
And I'm sure some of you have noticed my other little project, Mrs. D. Lightful. I'm glad I started it, because it has really motivated me to be a better home maker. We'll see how long I can keep up with it! It really is a fun little getaway for myself, and if any of you ever want to play, let me know. I'd be glad to share your creative ideas. But of course, my first love is Bloghurst (even though the name is...well...more Nate-ish) because of all the love I get from all of YOU! {hugs!}
And Nate is still in school! We are so excited that he will be done with both of his Bachelor's degrees this May. Then it will only take him 2 or 3 semesters after that to get his Masters! He's been really tough to plow through like he has. And I'm grateful because as soon as he is done, I can cutback on time at work and be at home even more!
Ok, this story is sort of funny and sort of not. So when I last took Brenna to the doctor, he was concerned about the shape of her head...he was worried about the growth plate fusing! Her poor melon! I didn't mention it before because I wanted to see the plastic surgeon before causing anyone unneccesary worry. So yesterday we saw him, and he says she looks perfect to him! He said her head is a little flat on one side (which even I didn't notice) but it's because she sleeps on her back. I saw so many other kids in the waiting room with helmets and stuff, it made me so grateful that I have had such healthy, problem free girls!
You are in the same boat as me girl! Except you are a nurse, which is awesome, and I just teach preschool. But I wanted to go back to school too, but it is just to hard with 2 going. Mitch has about a year and a half left of school, maybe less, but it is hard to have 2 kids and have a husband gone all the time. You are so crafty and are always doing cute things. I think you are awesome! We should go back to school someday together :) Oh and by the way, I am so happy Brenna's head is ok!!!
Sarah, I feel terrible! I didn't even know you were in school. What a bad neighbor I am! You are Wonder-Woman, though. I can't believe all that you do. I love Brenna's head shape. She won't even have to back-comb very much when she gets hair--it's perfect! Oh, and Kaylee's bathtime comment reminds me of our "Zest, fully clean!" days! Ha ha, let me know if there's anything I can ever do.
i can't wait for abby and jaxon to be able to do more together! your girls are so so cute!
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I completely understand having to drop out of school. School becomes such a hassle once you are married and we don't even have kids. It's so much more expensive to pay twice the tuition. Your little girls are adorable by the way!
I have a blog favor to ask, I'm really trying to get the word out about getting pins for the Special Olympics. If it's not much of a hassle is there anyway you could do a small post about it or just a link to my blog? It'd be much appreciated!!
Oh I feel so blessed to have healthy kids too!!! School is so hard when you have kids and when you both go to school. I love your Mrs. D Lightful blog!! I have tried a couple of things:)
I hope you don't mind me commenting on here. I used to live up the street from you and was in the old Sandridge ward. Anyways, I found your blog after finding Charises who I found through Jeff and Ashey's. I just wanted to tell you your daughters are just beautiful and you are so creative. Your new blog looks great!
-Ashley Swenson (Jepperson)
P.S. My blog is private, but if you ever want to see it you can email me
Sarah I had no idea you were in school again! I am so proud of you! You did the right thing. I felt the same way when I quit the dance studio! I feel like a horrible friend! We need to get together soon, I mean really soon!
That's crazy about Brenna's head, I can't believe the first doctor was so concerned and that the plastic surgeon wasn't, but what a relief! It would be really sad for there to be a problem!
That is a cute picture. You are such a great mom and I love your delightful blog. I even put the button on my blog. You are so amazing. You inspire me to be a better mom and cook.. even though secretly I HATE it, your blog makes me want to try to love it or have fun trying anyway.
Your girls are the cutest! Im glad everything is okay with Brenna, and she is just beautiful! You are such a good mom oh and i love your new blog project thing!
Beckam's head was really flat for a while I was freaking out about helmuts. Luckily, his head has rounded out. Phew! Dodged that bullet.
I'm excited you get to stay home with your girls more. I love the days off I have to spend with Beckam. They really are the best and most rewarding.
Congrats Nate and good job! That's a lot of work!
Breanna is so cute, gracee had (still does) a huge head and it was flat on oneside too because she slept in her car seat til like 5 months then she finally fell out (oops)so she always favored one side which made it a little flat. you cant even tell now she has hair :) breanna is such a cutie dont even worry:) I love your other blog what great ideas!
Sarah, the girls are simply the most adorable little girls! I just can't help but feel such sweetness from Brenna when she smiles! And Kaylee's cute face and personality are hard to beat. They really are the cutest girls around! I'm so glad they have you and Nate as parents, and I'm so glad Nate is getting close to being done. He is working hard, and that is so commendable. You are such a great team. Hope to see you soon!
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