Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fun! Museum, incline, etc.

While the Bringhursts were in town, you know, after the really big move, we did some stuff to explore Pittsburgh.

One thing we did was attend the Carnegie Natural Science Museum. Coolio!

The girls LOVED the shiny rocks. Especially the ones that glowed in the dark!

Diggin' up dino bones!

Ammon was scared of this large turtle...???

Nate LOVED the dinosaurs. SO much.

Kaylee's favorite exhibit was the eskimos

While unpacking, cleaning, and organizing was going on in the house, the kids were being distracted outdoors.

Group shot! And tears!

We also went to the incline to see the AWESOME view of the city. But I gotta be honest, it was MISERABLY cold!

We are so grateful they came out with us. THANK YOU Bringhursts!!!

1 comment:

Cindy-Mom-Grandma said...

Thank You...we loved it!