On Saturday morning, Nate's Grandma Relda passed away. Although we will miss her very much, it was a blessing that she did not have to suffer too long, and that now she has been reunited with her eternal companion, Frank Bringhurst. I have taken the opportunity to sit back and appreciate the great legacy that these two beings have left behind, and what it means to my own posterity. I am so grateful to be part of such an amazing family and to claim them as my own. I am grateful for the knowledge I have that I will be with my family forever. If I could say one thing to Relda, I would thank her for being who she was; for her humor, whit, intelligence, and perseverence. WE LOVE YOU!
She was an amazing woman. It's romantic in a way, that she could not linger longer here...she longed to be with Grandpa
This was our last good day with her on Christmas. Nate took this wonderful picture with his baby Brenna. I love it!
Sorry to hear that. That is a very sweet picture.
Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about Nate's Grandma! Deepest sympathy.
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