Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kaylee...sleeping standing up!

I have proof! Tangible, physical evidence. This girl FELL ASLEEP while standing up. She terrorized the house (as usual), changed her clothes like 50 times, then finally became so exhausted she just fell asleep...BEFORE she could get herself onto the couch! I had to try SO hard not to laugh while taking these pictures, because every once in a while her legs would like twitch, as if they were going to give out any second! Awe, but isn't it so cute how she STILL cuddles up with that ragedy elephant?

And she didn't do it just once...she did it TWICE! Here's her in the exact same spot a couple of days later...OUT COLD.

Well, I couldn't very well make a post without including little Brenna Mae. Ah! That smile just melts my heart! Her poor head is almost too big for this beanie.
Look at those eyes! They burn right into you, even just sitting here looking at the computer!

I love this picture. It looks like she's a little old lady whose missing her dentures.

Have a great Wednesday everybody!


Natalie said...

Your girls are so cute! I can't believe she fell aslee like that! How cute! And brenna's eyes are beautiful! Kids are great, but they can make us crazy sometimes too!

Amy said...

That is so funny that she fell asleep standing up! I don't think your girl's could get any cuter, they are adorable!

Kyle and Reesie said...

That is great, so fun that you got pictures of her like that! They are both as beautiful as always, you said, Brenna's eyes are so piercing! Just beautiful.

Shalese and Cody said...

Sarah they are so cute! You have been blessed with such beautiful girls! It comes from a beautiful mom!

Kami said...

Kaylee is so funny! I feel like /i might do that sometimes!

Unknown said...

Your girls are so cute! I love the Kaylee feel asleep standing up! Sometimes I feel like I could do that too!

Unknown said...

That is so funny! I hope she didn't fall. Brenna's eyes are beautiful!

nixon5 said...

Too cute and funny. It's so amazing to me the places they can sleep. You have such cute girls

Kaylee said...

Oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me! That girl is crazy!

Niels and Kayla said...

Oh my gosh that is so funny!! Sometimes i feel that way And Brenna, oh my gosh, SO CUTE! I just want to squeeze her haha!

Chaleese said...

That is so funny. I can't believe she falls sleep just standing there.. she is so cute! Kids are so funny!! And yes Brenna's eyes are so beautiful, I love her eyelashes!!

Kathy Nielson said...

Oh your girls are gorgeous!! That is so funny that Kaylee sleeps standing up! I am impressed you got pictures.

Ashley J @ MommyByDayCrafterByNight said...

Your kids are darling! I love looking at your pictures!!! Isn't it funny the little things that kids do?!?

Cheeky Kitchen said...

Oh, cutie cute cute.

Don't they fall asleep in the funniest ways?! (Was just giggling over my sis-in-laws baby falling asleep in her crib in the most hilarious pose:

And...THANKS so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a NICE comment. So good to have you! Drop in anytime!

Happy Monday!

Pieces of Us said...

Haha I love Kaylee. She is so stinkin cute! I can't believe she fell asleep standing up. Brenna is a babe too! We need to get Kaylee and Kami and have a playdate! Beckam would be in girl heaven! Haha.

Megan said...

I am cracking up! That is so funny, I even had to grab my husband and show him. Your girls ar so gorgeous. Brenna is getting so big, her eyes are so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I'm a proud Gma. Sarah, you are so good at getting good pictures. Kaylee just goes and goes and goes and I call the last picture of Brenna the magoo look. Nate used to have that look when he was a small guy...

Kelly & Jamie said...

How in the world does she do that?? Too tired to even make one more move to get up on the couch! Priceless! They are adorable!

Allison and Darin said...

There's no end to Kaylee's talents is there?? Brenna know's how to melt my heart everytime! Cute blog :)