Mom and Dad's new house!
Our very Merry Christmas after Christmas!
It was about an 8 hour drive, and it was the day after Christmas. We drove close to Allison and Darin for safety reasons. The weather was pretty nice that day, so we didn't have problems. The girls did pretty well. There was a time when Brenna wouldn't stop screaming and Kaylee was getting restless. Good thing Nate put a couple of movies on my ipod for Kaylee to watch. I wish I could have gotten a picture of her with the ipod, it was so cute! And she kept the ear phones in and everything! We also had more pit stops then normal due to the children. The commute back was even better.
On the night we arrived to Nevada where my family lives, we opened presents, because Angela flew back to Utah the next morning. So we had 1 evening with all of us together. We definitely got spoiled! The tree looked amazing, as did the rest of the house. It is so nice! Very roomy. My mom does an amazing job decorating!
Kaylee was SO excited to see everyone! We all had so much fun just hanging out and playing games. I seriously LOVE hangin' with my SISTAS!!!! They are so fun and cute! And mom and dad were great hosts. They made us breakfast every morning and took us out on the town! (Well, what the babies could handle. :) They have a beautiful view from their house and a nice jogging path that is very scenic, which I very much enjoyed. The weather was cool, like, sweater weather. Much better than the 12 feet of snow (or that's what it seems like).
Here's a few pictures of us opening presents.
I love Stacie's face in this picture.

Brenna playing with Nate's face on the luv sac

Mariah was my secret sister and I made her this frame!

Mom and Dad opening their presents.

Look at Allison's face in this one! Hahahaha!
Brenna playing with Nate's face on the luv sac
Mariah was my secret sister and I made her this frame!
Mom and Dad opening their presents.
Look at Allison's face in this one! Hahahaha!
Pretty much every night we'd just stay up way late playing Halo and Rock band (I am definitely better at drums...I really blow with the guitar.) This picture is so awesome, isn't it? Ya, I took it.
Shopping with da girls! Oooh, I hope they take me again next time I come down! I was in heaven! Me and Al bought some eyeshadow just like Mariah's.
Look alikes
These are pictures of us at the Bilagio hotel to see the pretty water show.
Two of a kind! A lot of people think that Brenna looks like Stacie. AND they both have raspy voices. AND they are both beautiful as can be. Will she be left-handed like Stacie too?
Thanks for posting the pictures. I miss your mom more than ever!
Wow, it looks like you guys had a very fun time in Vegas! I love Vegas! I need a vacation! :) I am sure it was hard to leave your family, and come back home huh :( By the way, your family is beautiful! Seriously, you are all so pretty! I love the Bilagio, and the water show, it is my favorite!! Oh and little Brenna has the longest eye lashes I have ever seen! So cute!
How fun! I would have loved to get away from all of this nasty snow for Christmas! I seriously can't believe how old your sisters are! I always say this but I remember holding Heather in her little purple sleeper just like it was yesterday! And you do look cute in the boots! We need to hang out soon!
Seriously, your mom looks like she's 12! I wish I had your genetics!
I love Vegas! I need a vacation so badly!
how fun! i didnt know your parents live down in vegas now, they have a beautiful home!
I agree with everyone else...your family is beautiful! Your parents look like they're in their crazy (and lucky for them!) And your girls look gorgeous, as always. Looks like you had fun over the holidays!
I miss your family so much. They are so sweet and the funnest to be around. I am so glad that you all could be together for the holidays.
Sounds like you guys had a blast! Spending time with family is my favorite. All your sisters look so grown up. Such fun pictures!
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