Alright everyone, here's an update on Brenna. The poor thing. Just when it seemed like everyone was getting better BAM she gets it. And in a worse way than the rest of us. But don't worry, she is going to SURVIVE! I did take her to the doc's, and just as I suspected, it is viral. Even though her temp spiked clear up to almost 102*! So it's mostly upper airway, like croup. SO he recommended some steroids for 3 days. I did fill the prescription, but I only gave her two doses. I know, I make a really bad patient. Even though I'm a nurse, I really don't like the use of medicine unless it's absolutely necessary. The steroids are for anti-inflammatory purposes, so since she seems less 'inflammed," I did not administer. The croupy barky-ness is definitely worse when she fact she starts to sound rather like a monster when she gets all worked up. So we have done everything we can to stop her from crying EVER, and I think she has caught on to the game. She seriously cries when I am not holding her ALL. THE. TIME. I love her. But sometimes I do not want to hold her while trying to do my hair...or make dinner...
So today my really sweet visiting teacher came to visit me. I must have looked HORRENDOUS! I had been SO overwhelmed taking care of Brenna (and Kaylee is always loving the spotlight) so by the time she came by, I had just barely showered and dried my hair (which looks like a wild animal at this stage of the hair-doing process), and it was late afternoon. I explained to her how it's been so crazy with all the illnesses and doctor visits, and crying baby. She gave me the hand out and left me to my madness. I was so embarassed. I felt so frustrated, like my life is just so out of my control! How can I do this? How do people have more than 2 kids? I am not cut out for it! I need some time to BREATHE!
BUT much to my suprise and relief and joy, she called later saying she was coming by to bring dinner. I seriously wanted to cry! I was so overwhelmed with relief! It was exactly what I needed before having a nervous breakdown. Even though I'm sure she'll never read this, I just want to shout out a big THANK YOU for a ray of sunshine on my cloudy day that saved my sanity. All is well at the Bringhurst house. Halleleuia!!!
When I can get control of my life again, I will be posting about my dad/sisters visit last stay tuned!!
I love the new blog look! You are so awesome Sarah... Poor Brenna. What a blessing your visiting teacher is!
I'm sorry to hear about your little Brenna! Its hard to see them sick! I hope she gets better soon! You are a good mom! I have to admit I have those same feelings a lot!! I wonder how anyone does it when I feel like I can't handle it. It made me feel better to hear that other moms feel the same way. So thanks!
I'm so about little Brenna! I hope she gets feeling better...SOON! I wish that I lived closer, I would love to help you out or take Kaylee for a little bit! What a sweet visiting teacher! I love those random acts of kindness!
Sarah, you are such a great mom. Some days are just like that with kids and every mom has those days. Keep up the good work and call me if ya need a break once in a while...
Your new blog looks so cute. I am sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed. You are so amazing to keep up with all of the things you do, I always tell my mom I want to be like you when I grow up. Even though we are the same age...that doesn't make sense does it. Anyway, please call me if there is antything I can do to help! Love you!
Your header is SO cute! And I'm so sorry that Brenna is so sick :( I can picture you running around trying to take care of everything - you're such a pleaser. I feel the same way about medicine, too. I know you are such an amazing mom, wife, nurse, etc., so don't beat yourself up, you're doing great! Hang in there! :)
I love your blog! I need to change mine! But I can't:( I just want to say I feel for you girl!! My kids have both been sick forever, and I often feel like I am losing it :) If you haven't read my latest post than you should! :)I am sorry your sweet Brenna has been sick! Love ya girl!
Hang in there, Remy gets like that when she's sick and I've learned that she'll be okay if I close the bathroom door and let her cry for a minute so I can get ready or cry or whatever. I wish you'd tell me so I could help more!
Your blog is adorable! Hey if you ever need a break weeknights after five. I am all yours.
How do people do it with more than two kids??? The question is HOW DO YOU DO IT?!?!? I'm glad things are settling down. You're an amazing mom and an inspiration to me!
Oh I am sorry Brenna is not feeling well, I am sure she will get better. Hopefully sooner than later. You are an amazing mom, and if you did not have off days you might explode from keeping everything inside. We should hang out, my kids need some friends.
Oh no Sarah! That is horrible. Please call me when you feel too overwhelmed and stressed so I can help you!
Sarah what a cute mom you are. I hate having sick kids. What a sweet visiting teacher. I love the new look of your blog. Good luck you are a great mom.
This blog design is sooooo adorable. I love it.
Oh Sarah I'm sorry!...I must say I TOTALLY know how you feel. This entire month my kids have been sick...They both went from RSV to the croup. I think that the croup is worse!! It is the most horrible sound I think I have ever heard. I am so glad everything is going better. I have decided next winter I am going to confine everyone to the house for 3 months haha. Seriously though there is nothing worse then dealing with sick kids...It takes everything out of you.
We really should get together soon. I can't even wait till it gets warmer, we will have to do some play dates at the park! :)
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