Thursday, February 5, 2009

Kaylee feeds Brenna

So some of these pictures are really blurry, but flippin' hilarious! The other day, Kaylee, being the big helper she is, wanted to help me by feeding Brenna. I said SURE! And ran and grabbed my camera. So I think these pictures MAY be blurry because I was laughing while taking them. I love to watch them interact!

Brenna is looking at me here because I'm laughing!

Look at that face! And Kaylee looks pretty proud too!

She kept sticking the spoon too far into Brenna's mouth, causing her to gag with like every bite.
Yeah, Brenna's not a fan of gagging.

Yep, another sleeping picture! This one just melted my heart! My little sleeping beauty, and of course, elephant.


Kami said...

Awww they are so adorable! That is so funny Kaylee kept making Brenna gag! I love it! I had a lot of fun the other night too...we need to start getting together more often for sure!

Heidi said...

That is so cute!!!

Unknown said...

Oh, that is so sweet! It is funny that Kaylee was making Brenna gag. Addison's new thing is to feed Randy and I and she makes US gag!

Shalese and Cody said...

Sarah that is so funny! That reminds me of me and megan, when I would do that to her. They are so cute!

Chaleese said...

What a big helper she is! I love her little princess dress!!

Unknown said...

That is the cutest thing! And the Sleeping Beauty is so adorable!

nixon5 said...

What fun pictures. those are the ones I love to go back and look at. so cute.

Ashley said...

What a great little helper you have! And I love the "sleeping beauty" picture. What a sweety.