I love being a mom, I really do. But sometimes it is....well....interesting. No I take that back; it is always interesting. And most of the time a good kind of interesting. But sometimes a bad kind of interesting.
I'll just throw one example out there, say today for instance. WARNING: GROSS STORY THAT MIGHT MAKE YOU WANT TO THROW UP. Both of the girls are sick with colds. Nasty ones. I woke up and realized I now have it (big surprise). So I thought it would be a great idea to throw them both in the bath to make them feel better. So I did that. (Brenna still goes in the little baby bath thing, and Kaylee just sits outside of it.) Anyways, I let them play in the bath while I changed out the laundry in the washing machine. I came back, and before I walked in the door, I heard Kaylee say, "You going stinkies?"
I just thought, oh no. No, no, no, please, no. Sure enough, Brenna had pooped a really big messy poop in the tub. It was all over both of them. Kaylee just sat there with a crinkled nose and kept saying, "Ewe, yuck." So I had to get them both out and drain the tub and rinse the tub and then put them back in. Kaylee said, "No, I want to be all done!" And I said, "No, you are still dirty from Brenna's mess!" And she said, "No, it's all dry now."
So anyways, to finish the bath was a battle because Kaylee was sick of bathing (can't blame her). The good part of the story is that I got really motivated to clean the bathroom today!
Happy Mothering! :)
Oh no sarah!! I must admit it made me laugh a little :) That happened to me when Addie was little, except she got some in her mouth!! I know gross and a little scary, but she was fine it was just horrible to clean up. Anyway mothering is VERY interesting and never a dull moment. Gotta love it!!
That is so hilarious! But of course I don't have any kids to deal with that kind of stuff.
Haha!! Kaylee is such a good little girl! I don't envy you there... sorry you guys are sick! It's really awful when the whole family gets that way. I hope you get feeling better soon! P.S. That's a classic floatie story!
HA HA!! That is a great story...what I have to look forward too
Oh, I am so sorry! Being a mother is really really crazy sometimes, we both have disgusting stories on our blogs today. Oh the joy of being a mother!! :)
I love when babies go poo poo in the bathtub! That is my favorite! I write that sarcastically and tonight when I go to bathe Addi, she will poop in there! Good times!!! I'm sorry that y'all are sick, that really isn't good times!
That seems to have to happen at least once per child!
Oh man that is funny! Although you weren't laughing at the time, it's a funny (and disgusting) memory to share. And it totally makes me baby hungry (not...)!
Oh my gosh! That is the worst! Sophie has already done that a few times...maybe its something about the water on thier bum that makes them feel like going? It is so gross! How funny!
Oh yuck! I am so sorry Sarah! Beckam hasn't done that yet. Thank goodness! I'm sure he will when I give him a bath tonight though...just my luck.
That is very gross, but very funny! I'm sorry that you have all been sick, I hate colds. Thanks for sharing your experience as a mom- I'll consider it since I don't have children yet! :) :) :)
Ha ha Sarah! That was so cute! It definitely is no fun for you that you had to clean that mess, but that was such a cute post. Obviously I don't have kids yet ha ha. I hope your week gets better as well as of you!
Hey Sarah!
Thanks so much for your comment on my "cute belly" it's so nice of you!! ha ha I totally don't mind if you use that poem on your blog. Go for it! I love always looking at your blog! You are such a cute mom! Hope you are doing well!
Motherhood. WoW the joys. Hope you feel better soon.
This story totally made me laugh, sorry it was traumatic for you. I hope you are feeling better.
How funny, but totally not fun! I never considered these types of situations before I had a baby...and it just proves that being a mom is hard work. I mean what you had to do to clean up the mess itself isn't fun or easy, but to do it all while keeping 2 sick little girls calm and happy really can't be easy. Hope you guys get feeling better. :)
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