So Brenna has been on solids for about a month now. I started with just cereals, but now we're trying veggies. These are pictures of her first bites of peas! These pictures don't do justice to the gagging she was doing with each bite. I even tried the next day, more gagging. I don't mind that she hates peas, cause I hate them too. She really likes carrots though! She ate so much carrots the first time that she threw up all over!

HAHA! These pictures crack me up! Totally opposite of Remy, she's such a lady lol...hope to see you guys soon!
hahahaha no peas please! My girls prefer carrots too. the last picture made me laugh out loud! It is so fun being able to show your children new things, even when they hate them right? and thank you for your comment it made my day...
that is so funny. these pictures are great. peas are kinda yucky, my husband loathes them! She is getting so big.
Oh that is so funny!! Payson hates all the vegggies! I keep trying to give them to him... but he gags everytime!! CUTE BABY!
That is so funny! I can't get my kid to eat anything other than olives and manderin oranges. She hates both carrots and peas (and well, everything else)!
How cute! Every time I read your blog I get baby hungry - your girls are so cute and you are such a cute mom!
So fun. I love watching Beckam taste the new foods. He loves anything he can put in his mouth though. Peas seem to be his favorite so far though!
You are so great to capture all these moments on camera. I lvoe to watch their first bite of food and veggies always are a crack up.
Oh my gosh I was laughin so hard when I saw the second picture. You can just see in her eyes the words she wants to say "MOM! Why on earth are you feedin me this awful thing?" Ha ha how cute is she?!
She is so gorgeous! She has such a beautiful face...even when she probably wants to gag. :)
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