This is me in a nutshell right now. Why do I always do this to myself? Wait until after Thanksgiving to start scrambling for gifts. I should know better by now! Because NOW is the time I should be enjoying the holidays. Like making gingerbread houses, going to see the lights, watching Christmas movies, going to plays and concerts...you know, making memories! But instead, I am a train wreck. I have to take care of my babies during the day, so I end up staying up all hours of the night working on gifts while they are asleep, so I'm sleep deprived. I also thought I'd save money by making my own stockings this year...yah, I haven't even started! Not to mention I actually have to work when I go to work now because people are actually getting sick now with the cold weather. What was I thinking? I need a clone or a maid or something. It makes me feel like the Grinch. Wish this world would start focusing on the true meaning of Christmas. But, er, happy shopping to the rest of you!!???!!!
This is why I get all my shopping done by Nov. 1st, it makes things SO much easier! Don't stress yourself out though; online shopping is WAY easier!
I do the same thing. I found if I did too much before the beginning of the season, I spent too much money. Sit back relax. Enjoy what you are doing, even if it is different from expected. :)
Put on your favorite Christmas music when you are home. Sing with the girls, read them your favorite Christmas stories and make your memories that way.
Ah honey itonly comes but once a year! Enjoy it!
thank you for inviting us to your blog :) I'm sorry you are so stressed about christmas shopping and stuff. I get myself in over my head a lot too when I plan things that I want to make or do for christmas presents. mostly I think I worry about where the money will come from to even get presents!
I hear ya. I totally laughed at the picture that is how I feel.
I too started a barbie house for zanna thinking ya I will save money and can totally do this. When I was reading your blog it made me feel better. Maybe we could stay up together and pull together through this. Totally not even close to being done.
I am just like you! I just went Christmas shopping for the first time this year a couple of days ago! Now I am like stressing out! I can't imagine buying for 2 kids! And you are right, it's never going to get easier! You and Nate need to come see our house and hang out! I miss you!
I am the same way. I always wait til the last minute! The only thing is I don't have kids yet, but I hope by some miracle I can change that problem by the time I do. Ha ha good luck Sarah!
oh im so sorry, the holiday shopping stuff really gets overwhelming for me too, hang in there! happy holidays to you too!!
I am with you 100%! Every year I tell myself I am going to have Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving, and every year it isn't. Hopefully next year I guess...
I dont have ANY christmas shopping done either and it totally stresses me out. So dont worry, your not alone. Christmas always gets here way faster than I'm ready for.
Sarah, I understand; I'm never as organized as I want to be. But, I have gotten better at relaxing and knowing that everything seems to get done, and it all works out. You are such a good organizer. I'm sure that you will find the time to do what you have to. I agree with the getting back to the true meaning of Christmas, and not feeling pressure to do so much. It seems that we always do more than we have time or money for. I'm all for simplifying everything, and doing less! Your blog is so fun to visit! Sure love you and your family!
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